Logan and Austin (who live in Charleston, SC) chose Sander's Ridge Winery for their special day for its cozy vibes and green vineyards. If I had to choose one word to describe this day it would definitely be COZY! Married the day after a hurricane (the same hurricane that caused a tree to fall on our new home a week before move in? yeah that hurricane) I watched the weather every single day leading up to their date. I kid you not the forecast predicted rain every hour all day at 100%. The day before, literally the DAY BEFORE, the forecast changed to overcast. Talk about a wedding miracle! It was extremely cloudy, but that just added to the cozy romantic factor.

And can we talk about their reception?? Such a vibe. The playlist, the people, the PARTY. An incredible way to celebrate!

PS: I am honored to be chosen as any couple's wedding photographer. Truly, to be trusted with such a momentous day, I do not take lightly. Add in the fact that Logan is a wedding photographer herself, extra honored.